Hello! My name is Myka, and I have been coaching and teaching ESL/EFL learners for the past ten years. I have extensive experience teaching English to learners of varying ages, from 4 to over 60 years old. Their English levels range from YLS or young learners, A1 or lower beginner to B2 or upper intermediate. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to teach diverse nationalities of English learners, including South Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Ecuadorians, Brazilians, Singaporeans, Pakistani, and Nigerians. I have even learned much about their cultures and customs as I was teaching English to them.
My specializations are teaching grammar as well as speaking. Through the last decade, I have helped many of my students in test preparation for language tests such as TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS. These types of lessons can get quite serious, though, so at those times when I need a break in my teaching routine, I enjoy holding free conversation classes. Not only do I get to teach learners how to converse properly, but I also get to talk about various topics of interest. Additionally, I enjoy handling young learners, and as a professional teacher, it is always a joy for me to teach children.
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