
Các bài thi là dạng tóm tắt các kiến thức Tiếng Anh đã học trong suốt lớp 7. Các bạn cùng đặt thời gian và làm thử để ôn luyện và thử sức với các đề nhé!



NĂM HỌC: 2023 – 2024


ĐỀ SỐ: 1

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words in each group. (1pt)

1. A. teenager

B. together

C. guess

D. regular

2. A. meat

B. reader

C. sea

D. realize

3. A. horrible

B. hour

C. hundred

D. hold

4. A. much

B. drug

C. future

D. buffalo

5. A. serious

B. symptom

C. sugar

D. sauce

II. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.(1pt)

1. I have known her………………..two years.

A. with

B. for

C. since

D. in

2. He ......... many old books for 5 years.

A. recycled

B. is recycling

C. has recycled

D. will recycle

3. To prepare for the New Year, I .................. my house again since last month.

A. paint

B. painted

C. have painted

D. has painted

4. They ………..the used plastic bottles with water several times yesterday.

A. washed

B. is washed

C. are washed

D. were washed

5. It is dangerous ............. quickly.

A. driving

B. drove

C. to drive

D. driven

III. A. Match the health problem with its tip. (2pts)


(1) I’m so tired. __

(2) I have spots. __

(3) I want to stay in shape. What will I do? __

(4) It’s easy to get flu. What should I do to avoid it? __

(5) I feel weak and sick. __


(A) Do more exercise.

(B) Go to bed and rest.

(C) Watch more TV.

(D) Wash your face regularly.

(E) Keep your body warm and eat lots of garlic.

(F) Eat more, and get more exercise too.

B. Complete the sentences with the words given.

and         but           by           because           for         less         more            or            so

(6) People in the countryside have less stress, . . . . . . . they usually live longer.

(7) This afternoon you can go swimming, . . . . . .you can ride on the path through the forest.

(8) Don’t read or study when there’s not enough light . . . . . it is harmful for your eyes.

(9) The Japanese eat a lot of rice, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . they eat a lot of fish too.

(10) Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . exercise and you will feel fitter and healthier.

IV. Reading (2 pts)

The first reason why many families do volunteer work is that they feel satisfied and proud. The feeling of fulfillment comes from helping the community and other people. In addition, volunteering is a great way for families to have fun and closer. But many people say they don’t have time to volunteer because they have to work and take of their families. If that’s the case, try rethinking some of your free time as a family. You could select just one or two projects a year and make them a family tradition. For instance, your family can make and donate gift blankets for the old homeless people on holidays. Your family can also spend only one Saturday morning a month collecting rubbish in your neighborhood.

A. Read the text and tick True (T) or False (F)

1. People often feel satisfied and proud when they volunteer

2. All people don’t have time to volunteer

B. Answer the questions

3. How can your family benefit from doing volunteer?


4. How can your family help the old homeless people?


V. Writing (2pts)

A. Rewrite or combine the sentences, using the suggested words

1. I was tired last night. I stayed up late to watch a game show (Although)

- Although ................................................................................................................

2. Ho Chi Minh City is larger than Ha Noi (smaller)

- Hanoi is ..................................................................................................................

B. Rearrange these cued words to make completed sentences:

1. more/ but/ usual time/ try/ the/ Sleep/ wake up/ to/ at/.


2. with/ Be/ you/ eat/ what/ careful/ drink/ and/.






I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words in each group. (1pt)

1 - A;              2 - D;              3 - B;              4 - C;              5 - C;

II. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.(1pt)

1 - B;              2 - C;              3 - C;              4 - A;              5 - C;

III. A. Match the health problem with its tip. (2pts)

1 - B;              2 - D;              3 - A;              4 - E;              5 - F;

B. Complete the sentences with the words given.

6 - so;             7 - or;             8 - because;   9 - and;           10 - more;

IV. Reading (2 pts)

1 - T;               2 - F;

3 - They can have fun and closer.

4 - They can make and donate gift blankets.

V. Writing (2pts)

A. Rewrite or combine the sentences, using the suggested words

1 - Although I was tired last night, T stayed up late to watch a game show.

2 - Hanoi is smaller than Ho Chi Minh city.

B. Rearrange these cued words to make completed sentences:

1 - Sleep more but try to wake up at the usual time.

2 - Be careful with whar you drink and eat.

- Sưu tầm - 




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