
Bằng cách nắm vững các cách diễn đạt khác thay cho câu 'Bạn sai rồi,' bạn sẽ mở rộng vốn từ vựng của mình và trở nên tự tin hơn trong việc sử dụng tiếng Anh. Học các kỹ thuật thực tế để cải thiện kỹ năng nói và giao tiếp tốt hơn bằng tiếng Anh.

Trong bài học tiếng Anh nâng cao này, chúng ta sẽ tập trung vào việc cải thiện kỹ năng nói của bạn, đặc biệt là cách thông báo lịch sự khi có điều gì đó không đúng.
Chúng ta sẽ chủ yếu tập trung vào cách diễn đạt sự bất đồng quan điểm hoặc chỉ ra lỗi của ai đó một cách lịch sự. Những cụm từ tiếng Anh này sẽ rất hữu ích cho các cuộc trò chuyện hằng ngày và giao tiếp hàng ngày của bạn.
I believe you may have misunderstood/misinterpreted that
Meaning: use it to say that there might be an error in their understanding without directly accusing them
  • Example: 
  • I believe you may have misunderstood the directions. You were supposed to apply the red paint first.
I think there may have been a misunderstanding
Meaning: the mistake may have been due to a communication issue rather than a fault of the other person
  • Examples:
  • I think there may have been a misunderstanding about the deadline for the project, as you thought it was due next week.
  • I think there may have been a misunderstanding. The meeting was for today at 2 o’clock, not tomorrow.
  • I think there may have been a misunderstanding. My birthday is on 5th July, not 7th May.
Actually, it’s more like…
Meaning: gently correct the other person’s statement without making them feel embarrassed or offended
  • Examples:
  • I know you think the dress is blue, but actually, it’s more like a dark shade of purple.
  • Actually, it’s more like a 20-minute walk, not 30 minutes.
I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s quite right
Meaning: you recognise what the other person said, but you don’t agree with it
  • Examples:
  • I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s quite right. We need to double-check the information.
  • I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s quite right. The store closes at 9 pm, not 10 pm.
I understand what you’re saying, but…
Meaning: you are listening to their point of view while politely correcting their error
  • Examples:
  • I understand what you’re saying, but we must also consider the impact this development will have on nature.
  • I understand what you’re saying, but I think it’s actually pronounced ‘karaoke’, not ‘kar-ee-oh-kee’.
  • I understand what you’re saying, but I think it’s actually pronounced ‘Uruguay’, not ‘U-ru-gii’.
It’s my understanding that…
Meaning: lets you share your own point of view while still respecting their opinion
  • Examples:
  • It’s my understanding that the home team actually won, not the away team.
  • It’s my understanding that the report is due on Friday, not Thursday.
  • It’s my understanding that the report is due on Thursday, not Friday. It’s a Bank Holiday weekend.
Perhaps we could double-check the facts on that
Meaning: both parties should check the facts before deciding who is right or wrong
  • Examples:
  • Perhaps we could double-check the facts on that. I believe there may have been an error in the calculations.
  • Perhaps we could double-check the facts on that before making a final decision.
I was under the impression that…
Meaning: you are being humble and suggest that the mistake could be yours instead of the other person’s
  • Example:
  • I may have missed something, but I was under the impression that the party was at 7 pm, not 8 pm.
If I’m not mistaken, it’s actually…
Meaning: you might be mistaken, but you want to share your opinion
  • If I’m not mistaken, it’s actually the opposite – the figures in the report show a decrease in profits last year, not an increase.
  • If I’m not mistaken, it’s actually the second turn on the right, not the first.
I’m not sure that’s accurate
Meaning: the way to express doubt in a polite way
  • I’m not sure that’s accurate. From what I’ve heard, the concert starts at 7 pm, not 8 pm.
  • I’m not sure that’s accurate. I think we’re going to get two extra days’ holiday, not one.
  • I’m not sure that’s accurate. From what I’ve heard, the game kicks off at 7.45, not 8 pm.
I understand your point, but I think it’s more like this…
Meaning: we understand what the other person is saying, but we have a different opinion
  • I understand your point, but I think it’s more accurate to say that we need to submit the report on Friday, not Thursday.
  • I understand your point, but in reality, we really need to launch this product at the middle of spring.
I don’t think that’s quite correct. Could we look it up?
Meaning: let’s verify the information together (helpful approach)
  • I don’t think it’s quite correct that the company made a profit of $5 million last year. Could we look it up?
  • I’m not entirely sure about the information you gave me. I don’t think it’s quite correct. Could we look it up?
What you said is completely false
Meaning: you’re virtually certain that this is wrong, you’re trying to be as polite as possible
  • What you said is completely false. The company never agreed to that price.
  • What you said is completely false. The company is in a sound financial position.
Impolite ways to say  You’re wrong
  • You’re talking through your arse! (Irish)
  • I think you’re talking through your bottom (UK)
  • It’s a pile of horseshit
  • It’s bullshit
  • It’s (a load of) rubbish.
Chỉ là những cách khác nhau để nói 'Bạn sai rồi' bằng tiếng Anh, nhưng theo cách lịch sự nhất có thể, được chứ? Điều bạn cần làm là... Những cách này khá khó, không phải thứ bạn có thể đưa vào cuộc trò chuyện một cách nhanh chóng. Vì vậy, bạn cần phải luyện tập chúng.


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