"Taking it easy" means slowing down and moving at a more relaxed pace.
Similar to "chill," you can also use this expression to tell someone to relax.
Just like our phones and electronic devices need to be charged from time to time, our bodies and minds must rest in order to remain strong. That's why we use this expression, which sounds as if we are plugging ourselves into a power outlet so we can recover our energy.
This one is simple: if your feet are up, it means you are sitting or lying down!
This has the same meaning as the previous expression; "kicking back" implies relaxing on a chair or sofa while your feet are raised off the ground.
An alternative slang version of this expression is "kick it."
Stress in daily life can make you feel like you are being compressed, or pushed down. Adding the prefix "de-" gives the word its opposite meaning: releasing the pressure in order to feel more free and relaxed.
Parents and people who work to help others often have difficulty finding time for themselves.
When you decide that you need a break from other people in order to focus on yourself and what you enjoy, you can say you're taking some "me-time."
This expression is a little different than the others we have introduced so far. Instead of simply relaxing, it includes the nuance of removing oneself from a busy life of high-tech devices and digital communication such as social media.
This word is the opposite of the phrase "to be wound up," which means to be or feel very anxious. Therefore, "unwinding" is releasing stress and recovering a feeling of peace and calmness.
As a noun, “lounge” is the word for a room in which people relax. However, the verb form means to lie, sit or stand in a relaxed way.
Có rất nhiều phong tục và truyền thống như diễn kịch Chúa Giáng Sinh, trang trí nhà cửa, hát thánh ca và thưởng thức b...
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