"Even" là một từ khá mơ hồ. Ban đầu, nó dường như rất đơn giản, nhưng nếu bạn nhìn kỹ hơn, bạn sẽ nhận ra rằng nó được sử dụng rất nhiều trong cuộc trò chuyện hàng ngày. Nó cũng có một loạt các ý nghĩa rất rộng; nó có thể là một tính từ, một trạng từ và thậm chí là một động từ!
Lần này, chúng ta sẽ xem cách sử dụng nó ở mỗi dạng của nó trước khi đi vào một số thành ngữ và biểu ngữ phổ biến mà nó được sử dụng trong đó. Bạn biết bao nhiêu trong số đó?
Những điều cơ bản
"Even" có thể được sử dụng theo nhiều cách, nhưng một điều phổ biến trong nhiều trường hợp sử dụng của nó là ý tưởng về sự cân bằng.
Khi bạn đang so sánh hai hoặc nhiều thứ, "even" thường được sử dụng để đại diện cho những thứ đó đạt đến cùng một mức độ, cùng một điểm hoặc cùng một lượng. Sự cân bằng này có thể là đối với hiện thực hoặc tượng trưng. Hãy nhớ ý tưởng này khi bạn đọc các câu ví dụ cho mỗi cách sử dụng.
Như một tính từ
Sự bằng phẳng hoặc trơn tru
Bề mặt được coi là phẳng nếu chúng mịn và không có gồ ghề hoặc lỗ. Ngoài ra, nếu các vật phẩm khác nhau được sắp xếp để tạo ra một đường thẳng, bạn có thể nói rằng chúng là "even".
The chef carefully spread an even amount of cheese on the pizza dough before adding toppings.
Do these pictures look even to you?
No, move the one on the right up a little bit.

Equal in number, value, skill, etc.

Two or more people or things are even if they have the same value, the same level of skill, etc.

Those two fighters are about the same size and have the same amount of experience, so it's an even match.
We all received an even split of the money.
Sự nhất quán
"Even" được sử dụng để mô tả những hành động xảy ra liên tục mà không có sự thay đổi lớn.
He was a popular English teacher because of his even speaking tone and clear accent.
She ran the entire race at a smooth, even pace.

The opposite of this is "uneven," which can be used for physical surfaces or for figurative ideas.

The road through the woods is bumpy and uneven.

For numbers

The numbers 2, 4, 6 and so on are called "even numbers." When even numbers are divided by 2, the result is two halves with the same value.

The star athlete demanded an even number for his jersey.

The opposite of an even number is an "odd number" (1, 3, 5, etc.).

Everyone whose ticket has an odd number, please line up here.

As a verb

To "even something out" means to make it smooth and flat. This can be used literally or figuratively.

Our team got many points at the start of the game, but the score began to even out as the match continued.
This report is good, but some sections need to be evened out before it's finished.

Here, "even out" means improving a section so that it matches the quality of other sections.

As an adverb

You may be most familiar with even as an adverb. In this form, the idea isn't balance, such as in its adjectival form. Instead, the adverb form is used for emphasis because something is surprising, unexpected or extreme.

Depending on how it's used, even can appear in different parts of a sentence.


A close-up of a person's hands looking through records in a store's rack
Even Shelly liked the performance, and she usually hates opera.

Shelly hates opera, so it's surprising that she would enjoy the opera performance.

I have all of their music, even the rare, early records.

The speaker's collection is complete enough to include items that are difficult to find.

They left already? They didn't even say goodbye!

Here, the speaker is surprised at her friends' behavior.

Hey! Are you even listening to me?!

In other words, "Pay attention!"


When comparing things, even is used to emphasize the difference between them. This usage comes before an adjective or adverb.

I thought my hometown was cold, but it's even colder here!
She's working even harder than everyone expected.

Extra information

Even can be used after a statement to add a little bit of information or to say something more specifically. This usage sounds slightly formal.

That's a fantastic idea. Genius, even.

Other uses

Many people walking through a large, crowded train station

Aside from the uses we've covered, even is also commonly used in idioms and casual expressions. 

Even though

This is a less-formal way to say "despite."

I always get lost in the station even though I've been there many times.

Even so

"Even so" introduces information that goes against what has just been said. It's another way to say "however."

The weather forecast said it would be sunny today. Even so, I decided to bring an umbrella.

Even if

This phrase is used to describe a possibility that would not change a result or decision.

Even if we left now, we would still be late.
I'll get the money, even if I have to work two jobs.

Be even

This is a very common casual expression that means a debt has been canceled and that one person no longer owes another person.

If you help me move my couch this weekend, then we're even.

In this case, it means "You will no longer owe me a favor."

People sometimes add the rhyming word "Steven" to make this expression sound a little silly and less formal. 

Here's that $5 I owed you. We're even now, right?
Yep, even Steven.

Get even

"Getting even" with someone means getting revenge on them!

You think you've beaten me, but I'll get even with you one day!

For both "be even" and "get even," remember the idea of things being balanced. In the case of "get even," someone who is upset wants to make another person upset as well!

For bargaining

When negotiating prices, even is used to indicate a simpler number that is often lower than the original price.

They are $12 each, but you can have three for an even $30.

“I can’t even.”

A woman holding a mug that has "I can't even" printed on the side

This slang phrase is used when someone is surprised by something and doesn't know how to respond to it. It's a shorter way of saying "I can't even think of what to say/do" or "I can't handle this situation." It can be used for both positive and negative events.

Congratulations, Roz! You are the employee of the year!
Oh my God! I can't even!
There's a huge spider in the bathroom! I can't even!


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