When used figuratively, it can refer to activities and ideas.
It can also be used casually to say the subject of a sentence is similar or related to something.
In the example above, instead of saying specifically what the object is, B simply says that it is somehow related to massages. This usage is common for communicating an idea quickly without giving detailed information.
This is closely related to the word "thingy." Just like above, it's useful for casual, vague statements.
There's also the strange word "thingamajig"! This is only used in very casual conversations.
The difference between this and "thingy" is that "thingamajig" usually refers to some kind of machine or device that is difficult to explain.
Next, let's look at some idioms that use "thing." There are quite a few!
This expression means "Actually," and is often used to introduce information, especially if it is sensitive or unfortunate.
This is a casual way to talk about knowledge of or experience with something.
If you "have a thing" for something or someone, it means you like it/them.
This expresses the attitude of doing what you want without worrying about the opinions of others. It can have a positive or a negative nuance, depending on the situation.
This is an informal way of saying "Of course."
This refers to something that you are good at or that you enjoy.
On the other hand, "our thing" refers to a custom or regular event that people share.
If something is "a thing," it is very popular at a particular time.
It can also mean that something is common or usual.
If a couple are in a relationship, you can say they are "a thing."
Cũng giống như người nói tiếng Anh thường sử dụng từ ngữ chỉ mùi vị để mô tả người khác, họ cũng làm điều t...
Đề thi tiếng Anh lớp 10 với 40 câu hỏi, được đánh giá quen thuộc, vừa sức thí sinh.
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